This blog is slowly taking on a life of it's own and changing direction.
My original plan was to document what we ate each day.
For my own benefit.
To analyze what, when, where, and how much we were eating.
To Help me screen for repeat meals, ruts...whatever.
And because I just plain love food.
I love thinking about it.
Reading about it.
Planning it.
Shopping for it.
Preparing it.
Presenting it.
It is a major high for me to serve my family well.
I'm the girl who would rather shop for food than anything else. Who plans all week what to make...what to buy...and CANNOT wait to get to the GROCERY STORE.
I read the weekly grocery ads like they hold the secret to eternal youth or something.
David has learned, after 26 years, not to rush me through the store. This is where I get my "buying pleasure". He's lucky I feel that way about purchasing groceries and NOT about shopping at Nordstrom.
He's also lucky that I'm a frugal maniac
(Who fed a family of 9 on $75 a week CONSISTENTLY for years...and very little mac and cheese or Top Ramen, thank you very much.)
and make almost EVERYTHING from scratch.
Try me.
(I don't make spaghetti noodles because I don't have the right die for my pasta machine. Other than that...just about everything.)
I'm the one who owns hundreds of cookbooks and reads them like novels. There are 3 on my nightstand right now. 6 by the couch. 2 on the counter with recipes marked for dinner tonight.
I'm the one who has 17 food apps on her iPhone and subscribes to at least a dozen food blogs/ recipes EVERY DAY!!!
Yeah, baby!!
So...all that to say that a blog about FOOD and FOOD ALONE makes a lot of sense for someone like me.
Right? I guess not.
Because every time I tried to document the FOOD I ended up talking about US.
Our home. Our kids. Our activities.
I can't seem to pick out just the food.
I changed the title of this blog and decided to have at it. I've always wanted a blog to JUST BE ME in. To let my imperfect, genuine, sometimes snarky, opinionated self speak.
And, mostly, I talk life.
Which is serving Jesus. David. Our children. Our lovely little grandson.
Our home. Our homestead...and our attempts, both successful and unsuccessful, at making it the self-sustaining, profitable enterprise we want it to be.
All that happens The Little House (1200 square feet) in the Grove.
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