Today we ate more party food. Exhausted after the rehearsal dinner clean up and pre-reception set up we fell into bed around 1:30. The alarms started going off at 6 am. Way too early.
Got up and everyone ate the soup I had put in the crock pot for supper...that we got home too late to eat last night! Also ate chips/salsa left over from rehearsal dinner (Chipotle!!!!) and cake. VERY healthy way to begin the day!!!
At the church Patti (mother of the bride) provided pizza for us...we were being busy little bees!
Reception food was cheese balls (amazing!!!! Patti made all of them), crackers/breads, fruit and ham/salami. Nibbled this, but truly we were running like mad dogs the entire time.
Oh. And pie. Lots of pie! 30 lovely, homemade pies from incredible cooks who attend our church. Wow. I DID take time for pie!
Sheila Walker's peach pie! Word!!! Martha Martin's pecan. Dorothy Newton's apple. Mary Phillips' peanut butter. And a host of others.
A. M. A. Z. I. N. G.
I did not try them all.
But I wanted to.
I really did!
My sweet hubby (who is going without regular meals ALL WEEK because of 3 major events!) stopped at Del Taco and got burritos/tacos. We scarfed these in the car at 2 am, hobbled into the house on our swollen, achy feet and collapsed.
Into bed...on sofas...there may have been someone on the floor.
And slept the sleep of the dead.
Which is why I'm posting this on Saturday the 7th instead of Friday the 6th.
I know this was supposed to be a simple accounting of food we eat every day. Something that looked kinda like this:
B: blah, blah, blah
L: blah, blah, blah
S: blah, blah, blah
Snack: blah, blah, blah
And maybe a pic or two, but it seems to be evolving into a journal of sorts.
So, on that note I want to give a shout-out to three VERY SPECIAL GIRLS who pulled the load like grown women the last two days. My wonderful nieces Destinee and Riahna, and my sweet Olivia. They all work events like pros, never complain, do anything they are asked cheerfully and well, and without them I would be dead.
In. The. Ground.
Also Janay and Melba. My faithful, hard-working, uncomplaining, push-through-to-the-end-till-the-last-dish-is-washed-and-the-last-crumb-is-wiped (and then ask if there is anything else to do!) events partners...I couldn't have done it without you!
So...thanks, girls. You are all amazing. Without you I would have to start saying no. And I don't want to do that!
Even though I can barely walk today!!
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